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The Timeline of The Splatoon World

This is the known history of events of the Splatoon series thus far. Note: Time is calculated by how far it is from the events of the first game, with BS meaning Before Splatoon, and AS meaning After Splatoon.

The End of the Human Era:

* Around 12 000 BS: Humans live as the dominant species on Earth and have a history and way of life that closely reflect that of real-life humanity, with the only difference being that these humans are at a greater technological point than real-life humanity.

* Around 12 000 BS: Humanity is being warned by academia about rising sea levels and other threats, however, humanity does not listen to this and becomes engrossed in warfare.

* Around 12 000 BS: The professor creates a cryogenic chamber that could preserve a creature for thousands of years, and decided to put his pet cat, Judd, in the chamber. Before the professor puts Judd in the chamber, he injects an immortality-inducing drug into Judd. The capsule also contains a sample of Judd's DNA, making it capable of creating a clone of Judd in case of an emergency, and to prevent Judd from getting lonely after he woke up. Around the same time, the professor also creates an AI known as Tartar, who contains all of humanity's knowledge in an effort to help the next sentient species not make the same mistakes humanity had.

* 12 000 BS: Natural disasters such as rising sea levels (which is thought to be caused by a nuclear missile hitting Antartica), and volcanic eruptions wipe out nearly all of humanity.

* 12 000 BS: A group of survivors leave earth and start an expedition in a search of a new planet. They create a space shuttle called Ark Polaris, and they bring along many of earths species in cryostasis.

* 12 000 BS: Another group of survivors seek shelter underground and hide in a bunker known as Alterna, which is located under what used to be Mt. Fuji. Meanwhile, other survivors seeking other underground domes perish.

* Around 12 000 BS, 25 years after the flooding: Alterna's scientists, having been appointed as the leaders of Alterna, make many technological advancements, including discovering a liquid crystal which can be extracted from squids. These crystals had the ability to empathically tell the emotions and desires of living creatures, and use them to line the walls of Alterna, which, taking on the collective desire to see the Earth, took on the appearance of the sky.

* Around 12 000 BS: Alterna's leaders are replaced by the next generation of humanity, who, wanting to see the surface again, take it upon themselves to build a rocket, called the Spirit Lifter, in an attempt to head back to the surface. However, during the first launch test, the rockets boosters overloaded the liquid crystals, causing a chain of events which led to the walls caving in and destroying the last of humanity.

The Silent Era:

* 12 000-2000 BS: There is no known sentient life on Earth.

* 12 000-7000 BS: Most of the liquid crystals fall from the walls of Alterna into the waters below, breaking into tiny fragments, soaking into generation and generation of the sea life living in Alterna. As the crystals still contained the last hopes and wishes of humanity, the feelings were passed down to the sea creatures, causing the sea life to long for the surface. These crystals also accelerated the evolution of all the sea life living in the waters, until one day they stepped foot on dry land, soon leaving Alterna and going onto the Earth's surface, and spread throughout the Earth.

* 12 000-7000 BS: Over time, the water levels recede, causing the remaining plants and the occasional surviving animals, such as birds and insects, to flourish on the Earth's surface.

* Around 10 000 BS: The Ark Polaris, almost out of the solar system, is damaged by some debris, forcing the crew to go back to earth. Having run out of fuel, the Ark Polaris drifts in Earth's orbit for the next 10 000 years, causing the last of humanity to die out.

* Around 2000 BS: A squid is born with “unique” characteristics is born, being the ancestor to the modern Inkling. The squid is considered to be a prophet, for its many revelations.

The Beginning of the Mollusk Era:

* Around 2000 BS: The Mollusk Era begins. Not much is known about this time period.

* Around 2000 BS: Judd is released from his cryostasis and becomes a judge for a sport known as Turf War.

The Great Turf War:

The Modern Mollusk Era:

Events of Splatoon:

Events between Splatoon and Splatoon 2:

Events of Splatoon 2:

Events between Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3:

Events of Splatoon 3:

timeline.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/26 03:24 by kojiro

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